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Test data on demand, when needed and as many times as requested

icaria TDM provides the data that testers and automated tests need, when they need it, as many times as necessary, protecting sensitive information.

icaria TDM makes test teams happier

Reduce wait times by half and save on the cost of storage, location and creation of resources.

Improve the quality of your software with better test coverage and anticipating fault detection.

Meet GDPR, CCPA, your Industry or Local Privacy Protection requirements thanks to the automated identification of sensitive data and anonymisation and pseudonymisation capabilities.

  • Test data search engine

Define the data archetype (profile) through the criteria that characterise it, and locate the data that each test requires.

  • Identification and masking: anonymisation and pseudonymisation

Automatically locate sensitive data and mask it with anonymisation and pseudonymisation techniques

  • Subsetting

Copy subsets of coherent data, with referential integrity and functional richness, from the application environment in which they reside, or from an internal repository, to the environment in which they are needed.

  • Self-service

The tester serves themselves their own data, when and where they need it.

  • Synthetic data

Generate synthetic data for testing based on templates and models.

  • Test cases

On demand design, storage and on-demand delivery of the input data required by the test case, and checking of the execution result from the data perspective.

  • Main databases and files

Work with the most popular database including relational, big data and hierarchical technologies, as well as with files.

  • Integration with third parties

Integration with third party tools via REST API and extensible code.